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Kit4Cat Urine Collection Kit - 3 pack


Kit4Cat is revolutionary hydrophobic sand that keeps the cat’s urine on top, making sample collection easy. It is non-invasive, looks and feels like regular sand, and cats love it. Kit4Cat is veterinarian-approved, and has gone through extensive research and validation testing. Kit4Cat is used by thousands of veterinary clinics and hospitals worldwide, and is sold by major veterinary product distributors.

Each Kit4Cat box contains 3 bags of  hydrophobic sand (300g) and 3 sets of pipettes and vials.

To use, simply spread the contents of one or more of the Kit4Cat bags (depending on the size of the litter tray) into a clean and empty litter tray, and let the cat freely urinate onto the sand. The cat’s urine will stay on top, allowing you to collect the urine using the pipette and vial. Collecting a urine sample with Kit4Cat is non-invasive, keeping the cat and its owner happy, and the vet and technician scratch-free.


Kit4Cat feels and smells just like regular sand, so cats are very cooperative patients when you need to collect a urine sample. If you have a diabetic cat, you can easily collect frequent samples in the comfort of your home. Kit4Cat is veterinarian approved and has taken many years of extensive research and development to bring to market.



Benefits for Cat Owners:

  • Cat will remain stress-free and happy
  • Sedation and hospitalization not required
  • Non-invasive, so no pain and no complications
  • Cats enjoy playing with the sand
  • Sample can be collected at home
  • Great for monitoring diabetic cats
  • Perfect for cats with chronic kidney disease
  • Available from US and Canadian veterinarians

Benefits for Cats:

  • 100% natural sand
  • Painless and stress-free urine collection
  • Non-invasive
  • Non-toxic
  • Odorless

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