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Vaccinator Quickshot 5ml


Vaccinator Quickshot 5ml

  • The SafeShot Vaccinator from Zoetis enables users to administer single-handed subcutaneous injections reliably, accurately and safely in either 2mL, 2.5mL or 5mL doses in cattle.
  • The patented two-stage mechanism is specifically designed for accurate penetration and consistent dose placement, either deep subcutaneous or intramuscular. 
  • The adjustable SafeShot Vaccinator can be set to a selectable rate of 2mL, 2.5mL or 5mL.


  • The SafeShot Vaccinator from Zoetis enables users to administer single-handed subcutaneous injections reliably, accurately and safely in either 2mL, 2.5mL or 5mL doses in cattle.  The patented two-stage mechanism is specifically designed for accurate penetration and consistent dose placement, either deep subcutaneous or intramuscular. 
  • The adjustable SafeShot Vaccinator can be set to a selectable rate of 2mL, 2.5mL or 5mL.
  • The SafeShot Vaccinator includes a two-stage activation mechanism and a patented self-tenting needle guard.  The protective needle guard minimizes the risk of needle stick related injuries. The needle guard allows the operator to delay the needle penetrating until any animal movement has ceased.

Why choose the SafeShot Vaccinator;

  • Single-handed subcutaneous vaccination of animals.
  • Fully covered needle to minimize needle stick injury.
  • Consistent needle depth control.
  • Improved vaccine placement accuracy.
  • Reduces needle bend/breakage (Safeshot moves with the animal)
  • Achieves a safer distance from the animal.
  • Self-tenting Needle Guard ensures a greater level of user protection and is highly effective on a wide range of animal skin types.
  • Needle change is faster and safer.
  • Needle damage is significantly reduced, increasing the life of the needle.
  • Safer operation in confined spaces such as chutes and cattle crushes.
  • The dose is correctly administered in the subcutaneous zone.
  • Less invasive to the animal.

Why is the SafeShot Vaccinator recommended for subcutaneous injection;

  • Spiked needle guard grips and tents the animal’s skin.
  • Injector remains stable on moving animals.
  • The dose is correctly positioned.

The SafeShot Vaccinator from Zoetis allows one-handed subcutaneous injection.  Administering a one-handed subcutaneous injection is far easier and less hazardous for the operator than two-handed techniques, particularly in confined spaces such as a cattle chute. SafeShot was developed to ensure accurate single-handed subcutaneous drug placement. This allows the user to maintain a safer distance from the animal.

What vaccines is the Safeshot Vaccinator suitable for all cattle safe Zoetis Vaccines used at 2mL, 2.5mL and 5mL Doses including;

  • Ultravac 7 in 1
  • Ultravac 5 in 1
  • Ultravac Botulinum
  • Vibrovax
  • Pestiguard
  • Longrange
  • Leptoshield

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