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How often should I worm my birds?
Author: Aussie Vet Products Date Posted:1 September 2014

Vicki writes:
How often should I worm my birds?
Hi Vicki,
All birds, except single birds in a cage, need worming.
I would recommend worming your birds every 3 – 6 months depending on where the birds are kept. If your birds are kept in an inside cage I would recommend worming them every 6 months with the Avitrol Plus bird wormer. Alternatively if your birds are kept outside in an aviary, I would recommend treating them at 3 monthly intervals.
Avitrol Plus bird all wormer will help to control thread worms, caecal, round, gape, gizzard and tapeworms in all caged or ornamentals birds.
However is not recommended for use in Gouldian finches.
Avitrol plus all wormer can be mixed in to drinking water at the rate of 0.5mL (12 drops) to 20mL of water or 25mL/L or can be administered directly through the crop at the dosage rate below:
Dr Simon