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Toxic foods for Dogs
Author: Aussie Vet Products Date Posted:6 August 2014

You’re sitting on the couch, watching your favourite film, eating your favourite chocolate. Your dog comes wandering over, giving you those famous ‘puppy dog eyes’ and you break a little piece off for him. STOP RIGHT THERE!
Did you know that dogs cannot ingest the same products as humans can in our day to day foods? Many of your favourite snacks and ingredients may be toxic to your dog, such as:
- Chocolate
- Caffeine
- Avocado
- Grapes
- Macadamia nuts
- Onions
- Garlic
Just to name a few!
Many of these simple foods can cause systemic failure in your dog and produce a range of nasty symptoms from weakness to vomiting and convulsions.
So before you share your cappuccino or favourite chocolate bar with your furry friend, think twice about how sensitive their bodies are. Resist those puppy dog eyes!