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Jurox Vytrate Sachets (box 12)


Jurox Vytrate Sachets (box 12)

Vytrate is a non-antibiotic supportive treatment for scouring or dehydrated calves, lambs, pigs & piglets, foals, dogs, and cats. Vytrate reduces scour duration and severity by replacing lost fluids and electrolytes.

Active Constituent(s): Each duo sachet contains:

  • 44.61 g Glucose
  • 8.58 g Sodium Chloride
  • 6.18 g Glycine
  • 4.08 g Potassium Phosphate Monobasic
  • 0.48 g Citric Acid Monohydrate
  • 0.12 g Potassium Citrate


A non-antibiotic supportive treatment for scouring or dehydrated calves, pigs, dogs, cats, lambs and foals. A suitable first feed for bought in or stressed calves and pigs. Actively fights the dehydration that kills. Vytrate reduces scour duration and severity, replaces lost fluids and electrolytes.


  • Reconstitution/ Dilution
  • Sections 1 and 2 must be used together.
  • Add the contents of section 1 and section 2 to 2 litres of warm water. Stir until dissolved.
  • To prepare 500 mL, add 1 level 5 mL medicine spoonful of powder from section 1 and 3 heaped spoonfuls of powder from section 2. Refrigerate remaining solution after use and use within 24 hours. Prepare fresh solution daily.


Bought-in or Stressed Calves (not scouring).

  • Feed 2 litres of diluted solution, made up as above, as the first feed on arrival.
  • For the next scheduled feed, use 1 litre diluted solution at the same time as, but not mixed with, milk or milk replacer. Thereafter, feed normal diet.

Scouring Calves

Feed 1 to 1.5 litres of diluted solution per 10 kg bodyweight daily, divided into two or more daily doses.

If scouring is established or severe, causing dehydration, the higher dose should be used initially and fed in three or four divided doses. 2 litres of diluted solution given morning and night will be adequate in many cases. Replace with fresh solution every 24 hours. To maintain adequate energy and nutrient intake, milk feeding should continue as normal during periods of scouring. Diluted solution should be given between these milk feeds.

  • Fresh drinking water should be available at all times.
  • Keep feeding utensils clean and avoid overfeeding.
  • Normal feeding should be resumes after the course of treatment.
  • Many scouring problems can be avoided by feeding adequate colostrum early in the calf’s life.
  • Seek veterinary advice if blood is present or if scours persist beyond four days.


Suckling Piglets

Make available solution made up as directed to the whole litter in a cube drinker or similar clean vessel as soon as scour symptoms show. A litter of 1 week old piglets will consume approximately 2-3 litres per day. The amount consumed will increase with the age of the piglets. Piglets may be dosed individually, by giving 20 to 30 mL diluted solution 3 or 4 times a day, taking care to avoid choking. Take care to ensure that piglets are not left without diluted solution, drinking water, or sow’s milk.

Check the supply of solution every 12 hours and replenish if necessary.

Weaned Pigs

Scouring weaned pigs should have fresh diluted solution available in a suitable clean vessel. Restrict solid feed intake for one or two days, but continue to supply fresh drinking water.

As a general guide, weaners will consume 1-2 litres/ weaner/ day.

Duration of treatment (all pigs)

Diluted solution should be made available for 4 days, but if the scour has not cleared completely, treatment may be continued for up to 8 days in total. If there is no sign of improvement, consult a veterinary surgeon.

Periods of stress

For the 2 to 3 days following any period of stress (e.g. weaning, transport), Vytrate will help to increase fluid and electrolyte consumption and absorption, so minimising any possible setback. As diluted solution is extremely palatable and excessive drinking may occur, diluted solution at half the strength recommended above may be used, for this indication only. Replace with fresh solution every 24 hours.


Scouring Lambs

Give 150 to 200 mL fresh diluted solution 2 to 4 times daily as required. The solution should be adjusted to body heat and given via a feeding bottle and teat. The lamb should also suck the ewe.

If bottle-fed, to maintain adequate energy and nutrient intake, milk feeding should continue as normal during period of scouring. Solution should be given between these milk feeds.



Administer solution, made up as directed, orally to scouring or dehydrated foals by drenching using a bottle or stomach tube. As a guide, 1 to 2 litres of fresh Vytrate solution 2 to 3 times daily, depending on bodyweight and severity of the symptoms, has been reported as a suitable dosage regimen for neonatal foals.

Cats, Dogs

Vytrate solution, reconstituted as directed, should be made available to diarrhoeic or dehydrated animals as supportive therapy following specific treatment for the conditions described.

Many dogs find Vytrate palatable and will drink the solution voluntarily. Palatability for cats is variable. Vytrate may also be administered orally via dosage syringe. Treatment should be continued for 1 to 2 days after the animal appears clinically recovered and is feeding normally. As a guide, the following dosage regimens of prepared Vytrate solution are recommended:-

  • Cats, miniature dogs (<5 kg)
  • 125 mL 2-3 times daily
  • Small dogs (5 – 10 kg)
  • 250 mL 2-3 times daily
  • Medium dogs (11 – 20 kg)
  • 500 mL 2-3 times daily
  • Large dogs (>20 kg)
  • 750 mL 2- 3 times daily


When specific disease control (i.e. antibiotic therapy) is indicated, it can be administered in conjunction with Vytrate. Stressed and scouring animals requiring rehydration are at risk of multiple organ dysfunction. It is strongly recommended that veterinary advice is sought when considering treating dehydrated animals.

Withholding Period(s)

Meat: Zero (0) days

Trade Advice (ESI)

Zero (0) days

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